Anthropological Linguistics

About the Journal

Anthropological Linguistics, a quarterly journal founded in 1959, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of the languages and cultures of the peoples of the world, especially the native peoples of the Americas. Embracing the field of language and culture broadly defined, the editors welcome articles and research reports addressing cultural, historical, and philological aspects of linguistic study, including analyses of texts and discourse; studies of semantic systems and cultural classifications; onomastic studies; ethnohistorical papers that draw significantly on linguistic data; studies of linguistic prehistory and genetic classification, both methodological and substantive; discussions and interpretations of archival material; edited historical documents; and contributions to the history of the field.

Anthropological Linguistics (ISSN 0003-5483) (USPS 026980) is published quarterly by the American Indian Studies Research Institute and the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.

Anthony K. Webster (University of Texas at Austin)

Managing Editor
John A. Erickson (Indiana University)

Associate Editors
Philip S. LeSourd (Indiana University)
Jeffrey Heath (University of Michigan)
Barbra A. Meek (University of Michigan)

Editorial Board
Rusty Barrett (University of Kentucky)
David Bradley (La Trobe University)
Lyle Campbell (University of Hawaiʿi at Mānoa)
Emiliana Cruz (CIESAS)
Regna Darnell (University of Western Ontario)
Patience L. Epps (University of Texas at Austin)
Ives Goddard (Smithsonian Institution)
Kathryn E. Graber (Indiana University)
Wilson de Lima Silva (University of Arizona)
Marianne Mithun (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Nico Nassenstein (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Johanna Nichols (University of California, Berkeley)
Sean O’Neill (University of Oklahoma)
Jonathan Owens (University of Bayreuth)
Bernard Perley (University of British Columbia)
Ruth Singer (University of Melbourne)
Daniel Suslak (Indiana University)
Anthony C. Woodbury (University of Texas at Austin)

Last updated: 7 Apr 2023
Copyright © 2022 Anthropological Linguistics.