Style Guidelines
In general, Anthropological Linguistics style will
conform to the conventions presented in the Chicago Manual of
Style (14th ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993).
The following recommendations may prove helpful in preparing
manuscripts for submission.
- Parts of the paper.
- Abstract.
- Acknowledgments.
- Text.
- Section headings.
- Anthropological style.
- Linguistic style.
- Punctuation.
- Comma.
- Series.
- Dates.
- Parentheses.
- Brackets.
- Punctuation with quotation marks.
- Double quotes.
- Single quotes.
- Treatment of words.
- Standardized spelling.
- Specific words and abbreviations.
- Words.
- Abbreviations.
- Possessive rule.
- Hyphenation.
- Slash
- Italics.
- Double quotes.
- Single quotes.
- Phonetic transcription.
- Phonemic transcription.
- Grammatical and lexical elements in examples.
- Names and terms.
- Capitalization.
- Specific words in AL.
- American Indian names.
- Numbers.
- Spelling out numbers.
- Inclusive numbers.
- Dates.
- Lists.
- Numbering of examples.
- Citation.
- Citations in text.
- Citations for quotes.
- Quotes in text.
- Block quotes.
- Emphasis in quotes.
- Ellipsis in citations.
- Author-date citations.
- Citations in text.
- Sequencing.
- Punctuation between citations.
- Figures and tables.
- Numbering.
- Captions and titles.
- Notes and sources.
- Endnotes.
- Placement of note numbers in text.
- Content.
- Citations.
- References
- Works to be listed.
- Author name.
- Multiple authors.
- First names.
- Alphabetization of names.
- Titles. All titles are given in roman type.
- Capitalization of titles.
- Sequencing of titles.
- Article in an edited volume.
- Capitalization of parts of a work.
- Names of states.
- Article with publisher name.
- Prose style.
- Contractions.
- Relative clauses.
Each paper should comprise the following parts:
- abstract
- text
- appendix
- endnotes
- references
State the paper's thesis in a single brief paragraph. The abstract
should contain no endnotes.
Acknowledgments appear as the first section of the endnotes. Do not
place them in the text or in a numbered note. Note the spelling of the
word acknowledgments.
AL accepts papers written in both anthropological-humanities and
formal linguistic styles.
AL recommends two styles for section headings.
For papers written in an anthropological or humanities style, sections
should not be numbered. Main section (A-level) titles should be typed
in boldface and centered between the main margins. B-level titles
should be typed on separate lines, flush with the left margin, and
italicized (underlined). C-level titles should also be placed on
separate lines and flush left, but in roman type (i.e., the same type
as in text). No periods are used after section titles. If further
levels of organization are unavoidable, please consult with the
editors for specifications.
For linguistic papers, in which sections are numbered, sections should
begin with the numeral 1 (not 0), even if the first section is an
introduction. In headings, the section number is followed by a period,
but no final period appears when the section number is referred to in
text. Heading titles are followed by a period. In addition to main
sections, two levels of subsections are possible (e.g., 1, 1.1, 1.1.1;
but not If further levels of organization are unavoidable,
please consult with the editors for specifications. Capitalize only
the first letter of the section title.
In a series of three or more items, a comma appears after all but the
final item.
- The tribes discussed by Miller include the Mandans,
Hidatsas, Arikaras, and Pawnees.
For a date that gives day, month, and year, no commas are used:
In addition to setting off explanations and digressions, parentheses
should be used for dates and page numbers of citations. Note the
arrangement when an author's name appears in parentheses along with a
- Thurmon (1927) gives a superb defense . . .
- All possible avenues have been covered (see al-Jehani 1978).
Brackets are used for editorial comments within a quote:
- "These [phonemes] were first analyzed by Hawkins
Brackets are also used when one set of parentheses would appear inside another:
- shufiha `What of it?' (lit., `What [is there] in it?')
Place commas and periods inside double quotes, colons and semicolons
- She said, "The end is near."
- The list included morphemes, "units," and phonemes.
- The first syllable is described as "endless"; no other syllables are discussed.
Place all punctuation except question marks outside single quotes:
- The main verb was lesen `to read'.
- The following were discussed: balad `country', kalam `word', and malak
- sh fih What of it?
However, in an example block, if the material inside single quotes
constitutes a complete sentence, a period appears inside the single
- kutáyyuh?á?
`He will tell me.'
AL style calls for American spelling:
- specialise > specialize
- colour > color
- focussing > focusing
- traveller > traveler
- centre> center
- Amerindian > American Indian
- field work(er) > fieldwork(er)
- fieldnotes > field notes
- loan word > loanword
- code-switching/code switching > codeswitching
- footnotes > notes
- illustration > figure (e.g., As seen in figure 4, . . . )
- example = e.g., (not: ex.)
- personal communication = p.c.
- appendix = app.
- figure = fig.
- chapter = chap.
- note = n.
The possessive of singular nouns is ordinarily formed by the
addition of an apostrophe and and s. The possessive of plural nouns
that end in 's is formed by the addition of apostrophe alone (e.g.,
linguists' books). However, words that end in s are made possessive
by the addition of an apostrophe and s together (e.g., Charles's
book; see Chicago Manual of Style, chap. 6).
All compound nouns should be spelled
- place name
- body part term
- body part noun root
Use hyphens to join two words or symbols that have the same function:
- reflexive-possessive pronoun
- yes-no questions
- voiced-voiceless contrast (distinction or opposition)
- k-g contrast
The slash should be used only to indicate that two or more linguistic
forms are in free variation with one another:
- the l/r alternation,
- 1/2 sg
Especially avoid the expression and/or, which can be rewritten as:
- The form geldak can be a noun or a verb or both.
Italics should be reserved for words mentioned as words:
for phonemic representations:
and very sparingly for emphasis:
- Johnson refers exclusively to anthropological linguistics.
Do not use italics for loanwords and other familiar expressions or abbreviations:
- The titles per se are not incorrect.
- All were struck by the pervading atmosphere of gemütlichkeit.
- That case (i.e., the possessive) continues to present difficulty.
Double quotes indicate irony:
- This "projection" portrays an underlying structure as yet unknown.
They also set off material quoted directly from another source:
- Henry's conclusions suggest that "all unmarked phonemes retain their original forms."
Use single quotes for linguistic glosses, notions, and concepts:
- kuskahaaru `peace'
- the concept `immersion'
In text square brackets are used for phonetic transcription, in which
case the forms should not be given in italics:
[h t]
Phonemic forms are given in italics:
Small capital letters represent abbreviations for grammatical
elements; lexical elements are given in roman type:
- In the table, CONT = continuative.
- AOR-I-body-press
In a typical four-line example the first line is the phonemic
representation and the second line is the morpheme-by-morpheme
analysis. Both those lines are in italics.
The third line contains
the morpheme-by-morpheme glosses and the fourth gives the free English
- nikiyanca=dis
`mop, scrub brush'; lit., `that with which one washes the boards'
If an example line (either the phonemic representation,
morpheme-by-morpheme analysis, or gloss) wraps to the following line,
then the words or morphemes of the shortest line should be aligned
with those of the longest. However, the free translation should remain
together on the last line, as in the example given below.
* Gweny-bay mijigwak muwi:dhok
Gwe-ny-bay mi-jigwa-k muw-i:d-ho-k
thing-DEM all 3/2-put=away-SS 3/2-finish=doing-TEMP-SS
miya:mayng yu:mo.
mi-ya:m-ay-ng yu:-mo
2-go-IRR-2/SS be-DUB
`After you put everything away, you can perhaps leave.'
AL recommends conservative use of capitalization:
The following words should not be capitalized in the
- section
- table
- figure
- chapter
- appendix
- map
- note
For example:
However, the word references is capitalized in the text:
For the spelling of the names of American Indian tribes, follow the
Handbook of North American Indians (William C. Sturtevant, gen. ed.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978).
In general, spell out all numbers below 100.
Below 100, all digits should be included:
If the first number is a multiple of 100, use all digits for both numbers:
- 100-108
- 800-812
- 1200-1234
If the first number is between 101 and 109 (and 100-multiples), use
only the changed digit:
If the first number is between 110 and 199 (and 100-multiples), use
only the last two digits unless more are needed:
- 112-15
- 27-179
- 456-83
- 1797-99
Note that the above rule applies to a span of dates:
but if the dates are part of a grammatical string, use all digits:
For the abbreviations of eras, use small caps:
- 213 B.C.
- A.D. 263
- A.H. 652
In lists of words, phrases, or ideas set off from text, avoid using
numbers unless the numbers must be referred to in text. Thus the
following list of North American Indian tribes:
- Tutelo
- Tuscarora
- Catawba
- Yuchi
North Central
or the following list of sentences:
- Thompson proposes these three rules:
Give full attention to the smallest detail.
Take your time.
Accept nothing but perfection.
The principal exception to the guidene in the previous section is
the numbering of linguistic examples. Examples should bear consecutive
numbers, each enclosed in parentheses placed on the left margin. Each
time an example is repeated it should be assigned its original number.
Subparts of the same example should be differentiated by alphabetical
letters, in which case the number is repeated:
(67) nikiyancadis
`mop, scrub brush'; lit., `that with which one washes the boards'
(68) kakikadis
`(for one) to wash'
(69a) i-hlalo si-phukile
5-chair (7)-is broken
`The chair is broken.'
(69b) i-fudu lu-hamba ncane
5-tortoise (11)-walk slowly
`The tortoise is walking slowly.'
Examples cited within the text are also enclosed in parentheses. In
addition, they should be inclusive for both numbers and letters, as in
the sentence below.
- Unlike examples (65)-(69), the sentences in (70a)-(70b) are ungrammatical,
since they all do not exhibit subject-verb agreement.
AL uses the scientific form of author-date citation recommended in
the Chicago style manual:
- Only in the last decade have researchers discovered the original
form (Henry 1956; Bennington 1978).
- Miner (1979) cites a different source.
- According to Siebert (1956:45-47), all prefixes adhere to the rule.
Citations for quotes in text should follow the quote. Note the
position of the period:
- The most important of Ebert's findings was "a complete absence of the mid-
central vowel" (1973:25).
Quoted material of more than approximately four lines should be set
off from the text in a block that is separated from the text by a
single blank line above and below. Indent the block on both sides by
the same amount as a paragraph. The citation for the quote is placed
within square brackets and comes after the final period of the quote:
- Hill's informant speaks of hunting songs:
These songs started away off, so many mountains away, and
gradually worked toward the camp, finally ending up inside the brush
circle at the rear. You must never sing these songs near the hogans
because of the women and children. The children's bones and minds are
soft. These songs speak of death and evil things and the women and
children and horses and sheep get sick because their minds are not as
strong as men's. [Hill 1938:106]
When emphasis appears in quotes, be sure to indicate whether they
appear in the original or have been added:
These songs started away off, so many mountains away, and gradually
worked toward the camp, finally ending up inside the brush circle at
the rear. You must never sing these songs near the hogans
because of the women and children. The children's bones and minds are
soft. These songs speak of death and evil things and the women and
children and horses and sheep get sick because their minds are not as
strong as men's. [Hill 1938:106; emphasis added]
To indicate omitted material in a quote, three ellipsis points
(periods) are used, with space before and after each. To indicate that
a sentence has ended and a new one begun, insert a fourth period,
immediately following the last word of the first sentence. No ellipsis
points are required at the end of a quote unless it ends with an
incomplete sentence (in which case three points are used). The
following example, a shortened form of the quote in the previous
section, illustrates these guidelines:
- "These songs started away off . . . and gradually worked toward the camp.
. . . You must never sing these songs near the hogans" (Hill 1938:106).
In text, the date of an author's work is placed in parentheses and
immediately follows the author's name, unless you are directly quoting
from that author:
- Anderson (1946) comments on the availability of free morphemes.
- Butler, moreover, claims "that any bound morphemes should be considered
nonfunctional" (1973:67).
Arrange a list of author-date citations chronologically:
- Recent research confirms that conclusion (e.g., Williams 1983; Crutchfield
1987; Makaros 1990).
Use semicolons between the works of different authors, commas between
the works of the same author or authors:
- An abundance of fieldwork has been accomplished, to no avail (Rieger 1936;
Millman 1956, 1962; Brown 1963; Davis 1963;Yamaguchi 1972, 1981).
Figures and tables should each be numbered consecutively,
beginning with the arabic numeral 1.
The caption begins with the figure number in boldface at the left
margin and ends with a period:
- Figure 3. Diagram illustrating the use of jowal.
Each table should be preceded by a brief title. The title appears entirely in
boldface and begins, flush left, with the table number:
- Table 2. Percentage of BCT and SCT use by social group
Note that no period is used after the table title.
Explanatory notes
and citation of sources should be placed at the bottom of a table.
Such additions are preceded by the words note or source in small
- NOTE: BCT = basic color term; SCT = selected color term.
Endnotes will appear in a separate section immediately following the
text. The first note is Acknowledgments followed by numbered notes.
Consecutive endnote numbers should begin in the text. Endnote numbers
should not be placed on any display type (i.e., title, author name,
section title). Note numbers should be placed at the end of the
sentence if possible. Otherwise they should be placed at the end of a
clause. In any case the number follows any punctuation mark except a
Numbered endnotes should
comment on issues raised in the text; do not include acknowledgments
or other general explanations in the numbered notes; such explanations
(e.g., lists of abbreviations or special symbols) will appear as
unnumbered notes at the beginning of the notes section.
Any work mentioned in a note should be listed in the references
section. Therefore, use the same mode of citation as in text.
The reference section should list only those works
referred to in text.
The name of the first author is inverted, but the remaining
names are given in normal order:
- Shamany, Robert, and William Cooper
List all names of all the authors of a work.
In text, shortened references should be used for works with more than
three authors. The following work, for example, would be listed in
text as Boyd et al. (1976).
- Boyd, Edith, Tim Dewey, Cheryl Cheatham, and David Howe
1976 Gulf Arabic Today. Leadville, Colo.: Idem Publishers.
Give author names
in full whenever possible; do not use initials in place of first
Names beginning with Mc should be treated as if
they began Mac:
- Mabley, Eileen
McBee, William
MacGregor, Arnold
Mackey, Sandra
McLean, George
Madden, James
All titles are given in roman type. No quotation marks are used:
- Carlyle, Albert
1982 Athabaskan Linguistics. London: Croom Helm.
1985 A New Approach to Parsing. Anthropological Linguistics
32:103 7.
Capitalize all words except articles and prepositions.
The exception to this rule is foreign language titles. For the capitalization of those
titles, see rules for specific languages in the Chicago Manual of Style (chap. 9).
All titles for a given author should be arranged
chronologically. Titles within the same year should be arranged alphabetically:
- Smythe, Jason
1957a A Shoshone Grammar. Bloomington: Indiana University
1957b Shoshone Phonology. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Give the title first, then the name of the volume, followed by the
editor's name and inclusive page numbers of the article. Note that In
is the only word italicized. Page numbers are not preceded by the
designation pp.:
- Taylor, E. Dean
1923 A Reconsideration of Sociological Perspective. In Modern
Perspectives on Language, edited by Mary Gomperz, 51-37.
Cleveland: Jelinek and Holmes.
Do not capitalize the names for parts of a
reference (e.g., vol., part) unless they begin a sentence:
Eminov, Ali
1973 The Politics of Linguistics. South Carolina Papers in Lin-
guistics, vol. 4, part 7. Columbia.
- Seldes, Irving
1987 Linguistic Frontiers. Vol. 3, Phonology. San Francisco:
City Lights Publishers.
State names are not necessary in a reference if the city is well known
or the state is mentioned in the name of the publisher. If state names
are used, they should be abbreviated according to the more traditional
method (as found in the Chicago Manual of Style, chap. 14; i.e., do
not use postal abbreviations):
- Philadelphia: Lippincott.
- Columbus, Ohio: J. B. Endicott Associates.
- Redlands, Calif.: Danton.
Omit an initial article in the name of a
- Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Avoid the use of contractions in text:
- I have not
- they do not
- it is
Failure to distinguish between nonrestrictive and restrictive relative
clauses may cause ambiguity within a text. Nonrestrictive clauses must
always be set off by commas (and should never be introduced by the
pronoun that):
- The modern Romance languages, which trace their origin to Latin, are
spoken in Europe.
Restrictive clauses are never set off by commas. Moreover, in order to
avoid confusion with nonrestrictive clauses, that is used instead of
which for nonhuman reference when not accompanied by a preposition:
- The Romance languages that Emig studied are spoken mainly in the
northernmost countries of the area in
Last updated: 17 Feb 1996
URL: https://anthling.indiana.edu/~anthling/
Comments: anthling@indiana.edu
Copyright 1996
Anthropological Linguistics.