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Vol. 36, no. 2 (Summer 1995)



Gulf and Yuki-Gulf Pamela Munro 125
Pima Bajo Dialectal Variation Zarina Estrada F. 223
Kin Terms and Titles of Address as Relational Social Honorifics in Jordanian Arabic Mohammed Farghal and Abdullah Shakir 240

Book Reviews

Grammatical Categories and Cognition: A Case Study of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis (John A. Lucy) J. Peter Denny 254
Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon (Alessandro Duranti and Charles Goodwin, editors) Keith Walters 258
On What We Know We Don t Know: Explanation, Theory, Linguistics, and How Questions Shape Them (Sylvain Bromberger) Patricia Hanna 260
Referential Practice: Language and Lived Space among the Maya (William F. Hanks) Brenda Farnell 262
Nez Perce Dictionary (Haruo Aoki) Noel Rude 266
Upper Chehalis Dictionary (M. Dale Kinkade) Steven M. Egesdal 268
Artistic Colloquial Arabic: Traditional Narratives and Poems from al-Balqa' (Jordan) (Heikki Palva) Alan S. Kaye 270
Just Talk: Gossip, Meetings, and Power in a Papua New Guinea Village (Karen J. Brison) Jeffrey P. Williams 272
Pacific Rim: Austronesian and Papuan Linguistic History (W. Wilfried Schuhmacher, F. Seto, J. Villegas Seto, and Juan R. Francisco) Ross Clark 273
The African Heritage of American English (Joseph E. Holloway and Winifred K. Vass) Ronald R. Butters 274


Gulf and Yuki-Gulf

Pamela Munro
University of California, Los Angeles

Abstract. This paper reviews the linguistic evidence for the Gulf group of Southeastern languages and evaluates the recent proposal by Joseph H. Greenberg that these languages are genetically linked to the Yukian languages of Northern California within the Penutian branch of Greenberg's proposed Amerind stock. The conclusion is that despite the unusual historical assumptions that this proposal requires, there is sufficient lexical evidence to warrant a continued examination of the data. The traditional Gulf grouping also receives important new support from the list of lexical parallels presented as an appendix to this paper.

Pima Bajo Dialectal Variation

Zarina Estrada F.
Universidad de Sonora, México

Abstract. This paper provides a survey of the dialects of Pima Bajo, a Uto-Aztecan language spoken in the state of Sonora in northern Mexico. The phonological and lexical phenomena discussed not only show geographical variation in the language, but also a certain degree of intradialectal variation. The data obtained in this study represent an important source for a definitive understanding of the formation and patterning of a small scale society in which the interaction between individuals is not frequent and is restricted to sporadic festivities like those of the Pima Bajo.

Kin Terms and Titles of Address as Relational
Social Honorifics in Jordanian Arabic

Mohammed Farghal and Abdullah Shakir
Yarmouk University, Jordan

Abstract. The present paper explores the nature of Jordanian relational social honorifics with an eye to systematizing these honorifics and shedding light on the socio-pragmatic constraints governing their use. Relational honorifics in Jordanian Arabic are divided into two major classes: kin terms and titles of address. Both classes are argued to involve distant and affectionate honorifics. Whereas distant honorifics are exclusively employed among strangers, affectionate ones are mainly used among friends or relatives, and occasionally among strangers. The study demonstrates how elaborate and subtle the interaction between language and social coordinates is in Jordanian Arabic.

Last updated: 12 March 1996
URL: https://anthling.indiana.edu/v37-4.html
Comments: anthling@indiana.edu
Copyright © 1996 Anthropological Linguistics.