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Vol. 46, no. 4 (Winter 2004)



Place Names of Cofitachequi Blair A. Rudes 359

A "Cock" and "Bull" Story:  Nage Sex Terms and Their Implications for Ethnozoological Classification Gregory Forth 427

Toba Discourse as Verbal Art Cristina Messineo 450

Book Reviews

The Languages of the Andes (Willem F. H. Adelaar; Pieter C. Muysken) Lyle Campbell 480
Language Shift among the Navajos:  Identity Politics and Cultural Continuity (Deborah House) David W. Dinwoodie 483
A Grammar of Lavukaleve (Angela Terrill) Jeffrey Heath 485
The Uralic Language Family: Facts, Myths, and Statistics (Angela Marcantonio) Petri Kallio 486
Publications Received 491


Place Names of Cofitachequi

Blair A. Rudes
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Abstract. When Spaniards entered the Carolinas in the sixteenth century, they encountered a chiefdom that they called Cofitachequi. Prior researchers have proposed Muskogean etymologies for most of the place names from the chiefdom, as well as Catawban and Iroquoian etymologies for a few. However, few of the names have truly convincing etymologies and a Catawban source is at least as plausible as a Muskogean source for the majority.

A "Cock" and "Bull" Story: Nage Sex Terms and Their Implications for Ethnozoological Classification

Gregory Forth
University of Alberta

Abstract. Exemplified by English bull and cow, special terms distinguishing members of animal categories by sex are a common feature of languages the world over. The application of such terms in Nage, a language of eastern Indonesia, reveals a system of classification consistent both with the general ethnozoological taxonomy and with culturally important symbolic and utilitarian contrasts. Applied to all creatures classified as "animals" (ana wa), Nage sex differentiable terms are predicated on differences in genital form and features of copulation and reproduction. Partly in this regard, the terms provide support for an unnamed category "mammal" and thus point to a hitherto unremarked criterion for identifying covert taxa—a topic of perennial interest in the general study of folk taxonomies.

Toba Discourse as Verbal Art

Cristina Messineo
University of Buenos Aires and National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina

Abstract. This article explores the spontaneous discourse of Toba speakers, who live in the Chaco region of Argentina. The genres and styles of Toba discourse analyzed in this study include "informal conversation," "advice," and "narrative." Each genre is characterized by a convergence of the following properties: the components of communication, especially the context of production and interaction; rhetorical structure; the functions of the communication; and the morphosyntactic devices that are utilized.

Last updated: 19 Aug 2005
URL: https://anthling.indiana.edu/v46-4.html
Comments: anthling@indiana.edu
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