Anthropological Linguistics


Manuscripts for publication, exchange journals, and books for review should be sent to:

   Anthropological Linguistics   Phone: (812) 855-4123, 855-1472
   Indiana University            Fax: (812) 855-7529
   Student Building 130          E-mail:
   701 E. Kirkwood Ave.
   Bloomington, IN 47405-7100
Manuscript articles should be submitted as e-mail attachments in pdf format to A style sheet is available.

Manuscript Form
Manuscripts must be double-spaced throughout (including quotations, tables, references, and notes) with at least one inch margins on 8.5" x 11" paper. All pages must be continuously paginated
Each article manuscript must have at its outset, immediately after the title and author's name, an abstract no longer than 100 words summarizing the conceptual content of the article.
Anthropological Linguistics follows The Chicago Manual of Style. For exemplification of all matters of style, authors should consult a recent issue of the journal, and the style sheet.
Citations in the text are indicated parenthetically. When an author's name is mentioned in the text, dates and pages immediately follow the author's name, e.g., Boas (1940:2-35). Otherwise citations to authors and their works appear within parentheses, usually at the end of a sentence, e.g., (Boas 1940:2-35).
Explanatory notes appear at the end of the text, immediately preceding the list of references.
Complete references to all works cited in an article or review should appear in a bibliography at the end of the manuscript. This section, entitled References, should include only works cited in the manuscript. The style follows a modified version of that used in the American Anthropologist, listing publication dates indented under authors' names, with titles and publication information blocked to the right of the date.

Last updated: 20 Jul 2004
Copyright © 2004 Anthropological Linguistics.