[ Index of Recent Volumes | Previous Issue | Next Issue | Order]
Articles |
Twins and Becoming Jaguars: Verse Analysis of a Napo Quichua Myth Narrative |
Michael A. Uzendoski | 431 |
Language and Dialect Variation in Straits Salishan | Timothy Montler | 462 |
Tone in Navajo | Joyce M. McDonough | 503 |
Book Reviews |
The Whorf Theory Complex: A Critical Reconstruction (Penny Lee) | J. Peter Denny | 541 |
Human Evolution, Language, and Mind: A Psychological and Archaeological Inquiry (William Noble and Ian Davidson) | Philip Lieberman | 549 |
Describing Morphosyntax: A Guide for Field Linguists (Thomas E. Payne) | Jack B. Martin | 552 |
Color and Cognition in Mesoamerica: Constructing Categories as Vantages (Robert E. MacLaury) | Nobuko Adachi | 554 |
Thompson River Salish Dictionary: Nle?kepmxcin (Lavrence C. Thompson and M. Terry Thompson) | Paul D. Kroeber | 556 |
Language Wars and Linguistic Politics (Louis-Jean Calvet, Michel Petheram, translator) | Nancy C. Dorian | 559 |
Languages in Botswana: Language Ecoogy in Southern Africa (Lars-Gunnar Anderson and Tore Janson) | Robert K. Herbert | 561 |
Disorderly Discourse: Narrative, Conflict, and Inequality (Charles L. Briggs, editor) | Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo | 564 |
Claiming Power in Doctor-Patient Talk (Nancy Ainsworth-Vaughn) | Aaron Cicourel | 566 |
Understanding Pragmatics (Jef Verschueren) | M. Lynne Murphy | 568 |
Bezhtinsko-russkij slovar' [Bezhta-Russian Dictionary] (M. Sh. Xalilov) | Wolfgang Schulze | 570 |
Persian (Shahrzad Mahootian, with Lewis Gebhart) | Jila Ghomeshi | 574 |
Give: A Cognitive-Linguistic Study (John Newman) | Maria Polinsky | 577 |
Publications Received | 568 |
Abstract. Napo Quichua relations of verse and structure are analyzed as they contribute to drama and the unfolding of theme in a myth narrative. The major organizational and grammatical features are examined at the level of lines, verses, stanzas, scenes, and acts. The quotative is found to be a principal marker of verses. Initial words, features of syntax, repetition, rhyme, and sound symbolism emerge as poetic features that group lines into larger units. The narrative's theme, "becoming a jaguar," is expressed through a rhetorical logic of onset, ongoing, and outcome that unfolds as a synecdochic relation between "the twins," humans, and mythical jaguars. The narrative illustrates the poetic dynamics used to depict the jaguar as a "concept" (i.e., as a "sign") in Napo Quichua cosmology and religion.
Abstract. Within Salishan linguistics, the term "Straits" has been used with various meanings. This article shows that Straits Salishan is composed of two very closely related languages: Klallam and Northern Straits. These form a subgroup in the Central Coast Salishan division of the Salishan language family. Klallam is composed of three dialects, and Northern Straits comprises a dialect continuum composed of Sooke, Songish, Saanich, Lummi, and Samish. Within the Saanich dialect of the Northern Straits language, we can identify two subdialects. This article summarizes the history of the terminological confusion, demonstrates that Klallam is a distinct language, lists distinguishing features of the varieties, and discusses problems and complicating factors, including dialect identification, gender differences, generational differences, and new, revitalized varieties of these endangered languages.
Abstract. Navajo is generally classified as a tone language. Yet an important and large class of verbal morphemes, the morphs of the conjunct domain, are reported to be underlyingly toneless. The relationship between the redundancy of the vowels of many of these morphs, their inflectional status, and their tonelessness is unexplored and calls for an explicit investigation before the catergorical assumptions behind traditional phonological classification can be applied. This article reports on an instrumental investigation of the tonal system of Navajo and the relationship of these results to its phonology and typology. Navajo is shown to be a tone language insofar as each syllable carries a tonal specification. However, tone specification is very stable, and the tone contours are apparently sensitive to the morphological boundaries in the world. This co-occurrence indicates that mapping between phonology and phonetics in Athabaskan, as well as the arguably attendant tonal variation in the family, is best accounted for by clearly defined implementation strategies more characteristic of laboratory phonology than of pure autosegmental analyses.Last updated: 29 Feb 2000
URL: https://anthling.indiana.edu/v41-4.html
Comments: anthling@indiana.edu
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